Making this Year a Productive LENT!

Ash Wednesday is upon us, bringing the beginning of Lent!

Jesus enduring 40 days in the desert, tempted by the devil. We are called through Lent to heal and improve our relationship to Love God.

Where do I fall short?

Where can I do better?

How can make more time for God?

Many questions come to mind on how to have a productive Lent. One where we find ourselves a better practicing Catholic when Easter arrives. Giving something up for Our Lord and persevering in our preparation to Jesus's Suffering, Death and Resurrection. 

What do people normally give up? Chocolate (sweets), meat, social media, alcohol, video games, etc.

All great things to give up and will guarantee to bring some self control as who wouldn't miss eating sweets through all of Lent. When Lent is over we normally go right back to all these things as were successful in going without.

But is there another way? or maybe an addition we could do?

What if we used this time of Lent to nurture a habit of serving God in our daily life. So that way after Lent we continue this new habit which has brought us closer to Christ.

Here are some suggestions which I have found helped me during Lent.

  • Read the Bible everyday (the New Testament would be perfect for Lent)
  • Recite the Holy Rosary daily
  • A Novena done for the duration of Lent or multiple through the time of Lent.
  • Consecration to Saint Joseph or Our Blessed Mother Mary (goes for 33days)
  • Visit the Blessed Sacrament 
  • Attend Daily Mass if possible or make an effort to go more than just Sunday.

Let us spend this time to bring new life to our faith. For when we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ we can rejoice in emerging a new servant of Christ.

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